woman performing squats in her backyard

Should You Do Bodyweight Squats Everyday? The Ultimate Guide

Are you a busy fitness enthusiast looking to elevate your fitness routine? If so, you’ve probably wondered about the benefits and drawbacks of doing bodyweight squats everyday.  As a Certified Person Trainer and Nutritional Therapy Practitioner, I‘m here to explore with you whether daily bodyweight squats are a good idea. We’ll also be breaking down…

woman performing single leg bridges off her living room couch

Can You Do Bodyweight Exercises Everyday? Truth and Benefits

As a personal trainer, I often get asked, “Can you do bodyweight exercises everyday?” The answer is a resounding yes! Bodyweight exercises are a fantastic way to develop strength, enhance flexibility, and improve cardiovascular health. Regularly incorporating bodyweight exercises can lead to muscle gain and other improvements in your overall health and wellness. Because they…