The Ultimate Guide to the Best At Home Workout Split

Home workouts have become more and more popular in this busy world.  As a personal trainer, I often encountered clients who struggled to balance their demanding schedules with their fitness goals.

That’s why creating the best at home workout split can be such a game-changer. Not only does it save time by eliminating the commute to and from the gym, but it also offers the flexibility to squeeze in workouts at any time of the day.

With the right approach, you can efficiently target all major muscle groups, build strength, and improve overall fitness, all from the comfort of your home.

Let’s explore some of the best at-home workout splits designed for busy individuals who want to stay fit without compromising their hectic schedules.

woman eating apple while planning her workout routine

What is an at home workout split?

A workout split is a method of organizing your exercise routine by dividing your workouts into different muscle groups or types of exercises on different days right from home.

This approach allows you to target specific areas more effectively and recover properly between sessions. When it comes to regularly performing home workouts, a well-planned split can make a significant difference in your fitness progress.

Pros and cons of utilizing your own workout splits

Pros of utilizing home workout splits

  • Flexibility in Scheduling: Allows you to fit workouts into your day at your convenience, (and even take your workouts with you on vacation!) making it easier to stay consistent.
  • Customizable to Fit Goals: Can be tailored to focus on specific fitness goals, such as muscle growth, weight loss, or endurance.
  • No Commute Necessary: Saves time and money by eliminating the need to travel to a gym.
  • Personalized Intensity Levels: You can adjust the intensity of each session based on your fitness level and progress.
  • Reduced Gym Anxiety: Provides a comfortable and private environment, ideal for those who may feel intimidated or self-conscious in a gym setting.
  • Access to a Wide Range of Online Resources: Offers the flexibility to incorporate various online workouts and fitness programs that match your preferences.
  • Lower Cost: Minimizes expenses associated with gym memberships and travel, making fitness more accessible.
  • Less Equipment Required: Most at-home workouts can be done with minimal equipment, reducing the need to invest in expensive gym machines.

Cons of utilizing home workout splits

  • Self-Motivation Required: Without the accountability and motivation of a trainer or group setting, it can be challenging to stay motivated and consistent.
  • Limited Space and Equipment: May not have enough space or equipment for certain exercises, limiting the range of workouts available.
  • Lack of Proper Technique: Without proper guidance and supervision, it can be challenging to ensure proper form and technique, increasing the risk of injury.
  • Distractions at Home: It can be tough to stay focused and dedicated when distractions such as children, pets, or household tasks are present.
  • Limited Social Interaction: The isolation of home workouts may lead to a lack of social interaction, which can negatively impact mental well-being.
  • Potential for Plateaus: Without the variety and progression offered in a gym setting, it makes it a bit more challenging to continue making progress towards fitness goals.
  • Complexity: Requires planning, time, and knowledge to create an effective split.
trainer writing up a workout plan on her clipboard

What is the best at home workout split?

Determining the best workout split for at-home fitness enthusiasts depends on several factors such as your goals, time availability, and experience level. Here are some common splits you can consider utilizing for your home workout routines:

Full Body Splits

Ideal for beginners or those short on time. Full body workouts ensure you hit all major muscle groups in each session.

Push/Pull Splits

Great for intermediate exercisers. Separate days for pushing muscles (chest, shoulders, triceps) and pulling muscles (back, biceps).

Push/Pull/Legs Splits

Advanced and efficient. Divides workouts into three distinct days for pushing, pulling, and legs, allowing for focused and high-intensity sessions.

Upper Body/Lower Body Splits

Ideal for those looking to build strength and muscle mass. Divides workouts into two days, one for upper body and another for lower body. Can choose to do 2 or 4 workouts per week using this split.

Body Part Splits

Used by experienced weightlifters looking to target specific muscle groups. Each day focuses on a different body part or muscle group (e.g., chest, back, arms, shoulders, legs, etc.). Typically with body part workout splits, you will complete just one workout per muscle group per week.

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How to determine your home workout split


Determine how much time you can realistically dedicate to working out each week. Whether you decide to workout out for one hour or workout for just 30 minutes, you can easily find an effective routine for you and your goals.


Decide on the number of days you can commit. This will guide the structure of your split (e.g. 2-day, 3-day, 4-day, or 5-day split).


Identify your fitness goals. Are you looking to build muscle with bodyweight exercises or heavy weights? Are you wanting to lose weight or simply improve overall fitness?

Experience Level

Tailor your routine based on your experience. Beginners should start with simpler splits, while advanced individuals can handle more complex routines.

woman planning her workout split on her phone

How to design your home workout split

Warm Up

Always start with a warm-up to prepare your body as warming up can be just as important as the workout itself. This can include dynamic stretches, mobility exercises, breathing exercises, and/or light cardio.


Choose the style of workout you want to follow:

  • Reps and sets: Choose the number of repetitions (reps) and sets for each exercise.
  • HIIT: High-Intensity Interval Training for cardio and strength.
  • Circuit: Combines different exercises for a full-body workout.
  • Cardio:  Focuses on cardiovascular endurance to get your heart rate up.
  • Strength:  Targets specific muscle groups for strength and muscle growth.


Select exercises that target the muscle groups you want to work. Use a combination of bodyweight and equipment exercises, such as: 

  • Legs: Squats, lunges, deadlifts
  • Chest: Push-ups, bench press, chest fly
  • Back: Pull-ups, rows, lat pulldowns
  • Shoulders: Overhead press, lateral raises, front raises
  • Arms: Bicep curls, tricep dips/extensions
  • Core: Planks, crunches, Russian twists


What equipment do you have available to you?  Depending on where you are choosing to workout, you may need to adjust the equipment and type of workout for the day. Use whatever you have:

Cool Down

Be sure to end each workout with a cool-down to help with recovery. This can include static stretches or light yoga poses.

woman stretching on the sidewalk by the city river

Tips for an effective workout

Progressive Overload

Switch up your workouts and gradually increase the intensity of your workouts by adding weight, reps, or sets.

Timed Rest

Keep rest periods consistent to maintain workout intensity. Time your rests and try to decrease rest periods as you progress.

Rest Enough, Active Recovery

Ensure you’re getting adequate rest and incorporating active recovery days. Make sure to give your body enough time to rest and recover between workouts. Incorporate active recovery activities like walking or stretching to aid in muscle repair and prevent injury.

Eat Enough

Fuel your body with enough calories to support your workout regimen. Not eating enough can lead to many issues, including fatigue and a sluggish metabolism which will hinder your progress.

Eat Enough Protein

Protein is essential for muscle repair and growth. Be sure to add plenty of protein sources to your clean eating grocery list. Aim to consume 0.8-1 gram of protein per pound of body weight to support your fitness goals.

5 quick tips for home workout success

  1. Set realistic goals and track progress.
  2. Mix up your routine to avoid boredom and plateauing.
  3. Always stay hydrated before, during, and after workouts.
  4. Eat a balanced diet with enough protein for muscle growth and repair.
  5. Keep healthy protein-rich snacks on hand for when hunger strikes and you don’t have a full meal ready to go.
woman writing out her workout plan in her journal

Example workout splits

2-Day Workout Split

Day 1: Full Body

Day 2: Full Body

Other days: Rest/Cardio/Active Recovery

3-Day Workout Split

Day 1: Upper Body

Day 2: Lower Body

Day 3: Full Body

Other days: Rest/Cardio/Active Recovery

4-Day Workout Split

Day 1: Push (Chest, Shoulders, Triceps)

Day 2: Pull (Back, Biceps)

Day 3: Core and Cardio

Day 4: Legs

Other days: Rest/Cardio/Active Recovery

4-Day Workout Split (alternative)

Day 1: Upper Body

Day 2: Lower Body

Day 3: Upper Body

Day 4: Lower Body

Other days: Rest/Cardio/Active Recovery

5-Day Workout Split

Day 1: Chest/Tris

Day 2: Back/Bis

Day 3: Core/Accessories

Day 4: Legs

Day 5: Shoulders

Day 6-7: Rest/Cardio/Active Recovery

couple jogging in the park together for cardio

Cardio and Plyometrics

Should you include cardio and plyometrics into your workout routine?  Well, it depends.  In order to know if cardio is for you, you need to regularly assess your goals. Consider these questions before adding cardio into your regular routine:

  • What is your main goal?  If it’s cardiovascular health and endurance, then cardio is a great addition to your home workout routine.  If it’s weight loss or muscle building, then put cardio to the side and stick with light walking as cardio can prevent muscle growth leading to fewer calories and fat being burned during your exercise.
  • Do you feel good and energized? Add it in. Don’t? Take a rest day instead.
  • Want to end your workout with a band?  Add just 5-10 minutes of plyometric work to the end of your workout if time allows.
  • Do you love cardio and have the time to do it?  If so, go for it – just 20-30 minutes at a time.  If not, don’t worry about it as we’re looking for the most gain with the least effort required.

Conclusion: best at home workout split

As you can see, there are many reasons why home workouts are effective. However, creating an effective home workout split involves understanding your goals, time commitment, and experience level. With a solid plan in place, you can enjoy the benefits of structured and efficient workouts from the comfort of your home.

Always remember to regularly assess your progress and make adjustments as needed, and don’t forget to incorporate rest days for optimal recovery!

Whether you choose a full-body routine or a split routine, consistency and dedication will be key in achieving your fitness goals. Happy training!

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Which split is best for home workouts?

The best split for a home workout largely depends on your fitness goals and available equipment. A well-rounded option is the push-pull-legs split, allowing for balanced muscle development and adequate recovery time between sessions.

What is the best workout split?

The best workout split is subjective and varies based on individual goals, experience, and preferences. However, popular options include the upper-lower split, full-body workouts, and the push-pull-legs split, each offering unique benefits for different fitness levels and objectives.

How do you split workouts at home?

To split workouts at home, you can follow a structured routine like the push-pull-legs split or an upper-lower split. This ensures you target different muscle groups on different days, facilitating balanced growth and sufficient recovery time.

What is a good 5 day workout routine at home?

A good 5-day workout routine at home can include a combination of strength training, cardiovascular exercises, and flexibility work. An example could be: Day 1 – Upper body, Day 2 – Lower body, Day 3 – Cardio and core, Day 4 – Upper body, Day 5 – Lower body, allowing for balanced muscle development and overall fitness.

Which workout split is most effective?

The most effective workout split is the one that aligns with your fitness goals, experience level, and lifestyle. Commonly recommended splits include the push-pull-legs split, upper-lower split, and full-body workouts, each offering tailored benefits depending on your specific objectives.

What are the most effective at home workouts?

The most effective at-home workouts are those that incorporate a mix of strength training, cardio, and flexibility exercises.  Bodyweight exercises, resistance band workouts, and HIIT (high-intensity interval training) are popular options that can be done with minimal equipment at home. Additionally, consistency and proper form are key factors in the effectiveness of any workout routine.

What is the best at home workout routine?

The best at-home workout routine is one that combines strength training, cardio, and flexibility exercises tailored to your fitness level, current available equipment, and goals. Ensuring progressive overload, consistency, and proper form will yield the best results over time.

Are full body workouts more effective than splits?

Full body workouts can be more effective for beginners or those with limited training time, as they allow for frequent stimulation of all major muscle groups. However, workout splits may be more beneficial for advanced individuals seeking to target specific muscles with higher intensity and volume.

Are split workouts better than full body?

Split workouts are often better suited for advanced individuals who want to concentrate on specific muscle groups with higher intensity and volume. However, the effectiveness ultimately depends on personal fitness goals, experience level, and schedule.

Read More on All-Things Fitness Anywhere Tips:

My Wellness Anywhere Toolkit

  • Rocky Mountain Oils – essential oils for energy, stress-relief, immunity, first aid, natural cleaning, better sleep, pain relief, & more!
  • Femme Royale – the most comfortable fitness outfits & my all-time favorite backpack-turns-weightlifting bag, the Empack, perfect at home & anywhere!
  • Trulean – the best travel packets of clean protein powder & wellness-boosting drink mixes.
  • Suspension trainer – a fun & portable piece of workout equipment that enables you to workout in your hotel room or outside in nature!
  • Loop bands & tube bands – super lightweight strength-training bands that can be brought anywhere without taking up much space or weight.
  • Pure Wave percussion massager – best percussion massager for releasing trigger points & relaxing muscles, including all the hard-to-reach areas!
  • IntelliRoll foam rollers – favorite foam rollers for daily use that hits all the right spots with their one-of-a-kind design.
  • Thrive Market – amazing online grocer for stocking up on all your healthy & travelable snacks at a discount!
  • Prep Dish – nutritious meal-planning service that saves you stress, time, & energy and guides you on prepping your entire week in just a couple hours.
  • Cook Once, Eat All Week – all-time favorite cookbook that provides 26 weeks of healthy meal plans that can be prepped & cooked in bulk each week.
  • Just Thrive – the best spore probiotic for keeping your gut health in-check no matter where you are in the world.
  • Expedia – great place to book your wellness travels & accommodations.
  • Viator – best place for booking experiences that compliment your travels.

Want to learn more simple & sustainable wellness tips? Check out My Resources page where you can grab all my best guides & trainings created just for you!

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